3.4. Sample Execution Code

3.4.1. A Sample Execution File

Sample Execution File. A sample execution file will look similar to this

Given script follows below file tree structure.

3.4.2. Folder Tree Structure

  1. Either maintain the tree structure as mentioned here or modify the code as per your requirement:

    | - + myPrograms
    |   | - exec-j2config.py
    | - + captures ( contains all Excel clean files )
    |   | - xxx1-clean.xlsx
    |   | - xxx2-clean.xlsx
    |   | - xxx3-clean.xlsx
    | - + jtemplates   ( containing all jinja template files, and global variable file )
    |   | - jinja_template1.j2
    |   | - jinja_template2.j2
    |   | - jinja_template3.j2
    |   | - global.xlsx
    | - + j2-outputs   ( folder where outputs will be stored )
        | - generated config will appear here.

  • If you are changing the Tree structure, than modify your execution script accordingly to read the files from appropriate path.